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Верю в доброту, искренность и трудолюбие русских, верю в сохранение многовековых традиций нашего народа, верю в духовное возрождение страны. В 1997 году об этом писал Патриарх Кирилл, а тогда митрополит Кирилл, и его статья открывала очередной номер научно-популярного журнала Совета Европы - Naturopa. Приятно вспомнить, что я содействовала опубликованию статьи. Часть проблем, упомянутых в статье, остается актуальной и поныне.

Ecology and Orthodoxy
The need for a spiritual rebirth
For the Orthodox believer, there is no doubt that egocentricity and the priority given to the material over the spiritual have played a particularly decisive role in the destruction of nature. Moreover, the Creation cannot be restored intact unless we undergo a spiritual rebirth and unless we once again have peace in our hearts.
Thus, both ecological and other problems of the modern world remind us of the value of life in the universe, the predestination of human beings in the world and their free choice in distinguishing virtue from sin. All these issues are of primordial importance not only for mankind's spiritual health but also for the protection of nature, which will otherwise be destroyed.
In the recent past, our country's economic policy was geared to building industrial giants, without any consideration of the local ecological situation. The consequences have been appalling: millions of hectares of forest and fertile land have disappeared for ever and the air and supplies of drinking water have been polluted. This is just one example of an irresponsible and short-sighted economic policy, and of the damage wrought by the authorities, which are constantly asking more of nature without giving it anything in return. An example is the project entailing the artificial diversion of rivers in northern Russia to arid areas in the southern part of the country.
Co-operation is essential
Today, people in the former USSR are becoming aware of the great ecological dangers and are trying to rediscover a sense of moral values because without them it is impossible to resolve ecological problems. As for the Church, it is trying to do everything in its power to redirect public opinion, which, driven by the idea of a consumer society, is prompting people to misuse the natural assets of our planet. We have to learn to sacrifice individual interests today in order to protect the lives of future generations. This is why we need to co-operate with all nations so that nature in all its purity and splendour may be preserved.

HE Cyrille
Metropolitan of Smolensk and Kaliningrad
President of the Foreign Affairs Department
Patriarchate of Moscow
Russian Federation


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