На одной московской радиостанции сейчас регулярно появляется реклама чего-то, и ее вводная часть состоит из одного-единственного слова. Мужской голос как бы начитывает известную скороговорку и с интонацией "Ехал Грека через реку" произносит всего лишь одно слово "кризис". За 10 секунд он повторяет его наверное раз 20. Кроме отторжения у меня лично эта реклама не вызывает. Интересно, если в наши дни в каком-нибудь трудовом коллективе начальник или рядовой сотрудник с утра до вечера повторял бы слово "увольнение", какая сложилась бы атмосфера: паники или энтузиазма, депрессии или желания побороться, упадничества или стремления к поиску новых решений. В США сейчас в ходу слово "рецессия" вместо "кризис", хотя если и говорить об экономическом провале, так в Штатах ситуация похуже, чем где-либо.
Посмотрим, какие определения этим двум словам дает словарь The Free Dictionary.
Recession - the state of the economy declines; a widespread decline in the GDP and employment and trade lasting from six months to a year; a period of economic difficulty when little is being bought or sold; a temporary fall in a country's or the world's business activities. Синонимы - depression, drop, decline, slump, downturn
Crisis - crucial or decisive point or situation; a turning point; an unstable condition, as in political, social, or economic affairs, involving an impending abrupt or decisive change; a time of great danger or difficulty.Синонимы - emergency, plight, catastrophe, predicament, pass, trouble, disaster, mess, point of no return.
Теперь зададимся вопросом, как можно охарактеризовать нынешнюю ситуацию? Как депрессию или как чрезвычайную ситуацию? Как упадок или катастрофу? Как снижение деловой активности или как точку невозврата? Наверное, если найдем ответ, тогда и появятся мысли, что следует делать дальше.

11 правил

Как хорошо прочитать с утра что-нибудь вдохновляющее. Очередное письмо от Робина Шармы с полным правом можно отнести именно к таковым. 11 правил изменения мира (не много, не мало!), но мира не только как вселенной или Земли, а мира вокруг нас всех и каждого. Хочу поделиться этим тонизирующим текстом.

The 11 Rules To Change Our World
1. You be the change you dream of seeing (Thanks Mahatma Gandhi). "If everyone of us would sweep their own doorstep, the whole world would be clean," observed Mother Teresa. She was right.
2. Make time every day to reconnect to your highest ideals and boldest dreams. Without hope, people perish. 3. Leave every person you meet better than you found them. Life's too short to withhold encouragement and kindness.
4. As I wrote in 'The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari", see every setback as a stepping stone and every problem as a blessing in disguise. Contrary to what critics might say, these are NOT corny aphorisms. They are timeless truths of humanity. (And critics are just people too scared to grow their dreams anyway - pay no attention to them. The world needs more people lifting people up rather than putting people down).
5. Go the extra mile in everything you do - you don't need a title to be a leader. And on your deathbed, you'll never regret expressing the best within you
6. Do what's right rather than what's easy. Being a great person isn't a popularity contest. Many of the greatest leaders were disliked because they refused to bend to the winds of public opinion. That's called Strength of Character
7. Care for your health. You elevate the world by elevating yourself and your health really matters. Why be the richest person in the graveyard?
8. Tell your kids they are geniuses - and how much you adore them. Each of us are born geniuses but lose that gift within the first 6 years of our lives as we adopt the fears and limiting beliefs of those around us. Your kids are the leaders of the future. Grow their potential. Now.
9. Learn something new every day. As you grow, you begin to see possibilities you didn't have the eyes to see before. Read from an inspiring book, listen to an audio program, visit a good blog, go to a powerful workshop or have a conversation with an elder. One idea is all it takes to transform your life.
10. Keep your life simple. Please. The secret to success and happiness is building your life around a few important things. The person who tries to do everything accomplishes nothing. As I recently mentioned on my blog, "What's the point in being busy doing the wrong things?"
11. Remember that life is a mirror and we receive what we give out. To get more joy, give more joy. To have more respect, give more respect. To realize your dreams, help others realize theirs.
P.S. I've written these lessons to help you make this year the single best year of your life yet. And to do my part to improve things. I need your help!If you were inspired by The 11 Rules To Change Our World, you can inspire others - and do YOUR part to improve our world. My goal is to circulate this list across the world via The Net within the next few hours. TOGETHER we can touch so many people. Just circulate The 11 Rules to all those you know. Let's change the world by spreading good ideals rather than celebrating negative ones. Thank you.


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