Опубликована новая, дополненная редакция книги на amazon.com - 352 English Irregular Verbs - Practice Book.13 марта 2012 г. будет открыт бесплатный доступ для скачивания.
Содержание: Introduction. Part 1. Rules – a bit of grammar. Chapter 1. Why are these verbs irregular. Chapter 2. Past Simple. Chapter 3. Past Participle. Part 2. Practice. Chapter 4. Beware of prefixes. Chapter 5. Proverbs and sayings. Chapter 6. Quotes. Chapter 7. Poems. Chapter 8. Puzzles, games, exercises. Appendixes. I group list. II group list. III group list. IV group list. V group list. 50 most common verbs. Full list of 352 verbs. Keys. Useful links. Further reading.